Author: couchwasabi
Alcatel Warehouse Sale this December 18-21
If you wish to participate in the sale, go to 306B…
CARA needs your help
Ever since I rescued Pepper from EDSA, I decided I wanted…
CW Beauty Talk: Holiday Makeup Guide
Dear Couchwasabi, I enjoy reading your product reviews from beauty products…
Product Review: EOS Lip balms
If you have been a follower of my blog, I’m sure…
Unboxing Clarisonic Mia 2
Christmas came in early this year–I finally got my own Clarisonic…
Juicing cannabis leaves (marijuana) and its health benefits
[youtube=] Since juicing has become a fad since Anne Curtis mentioned…
BEWARE of Lousy Online Sellers
I have a good story to tell this morning. Since Pepper…
Pick of the Month: Virginia Olsen Organic Lip Products
You can now kiss deadly kisses goodbye! A couple of months…