Hi Jirbie!
What are the things you wish you could tell to your 18-year-old self?
– Ghinny
Hello Ghinny,
As they say, with age comes wisdom. Looking back, here are some of the things that I would have told myself (and maybe gave myself some pat on the back!) when I was in my late teens or early twenties:

There’s more to life than your social life
I’m a late-bloomer. I consider myself as lucky to have learned about drinking and going to clubs later in my life. Yes, I was a club-virgin until 25. And yes, I never experienced “Emba days” nor “Alchemy days.” Back in college, I never wasted any time getting wasted. I stayed out of college parties. It was absolutely a conscious decision that I made since I had other priorities than being a socialite. Plus, drinking alcohol is really bad for your skin.

Not everyone is meant to be in your life forever
Since I was a kid, my parents would always tell me to choose my friends wisely. And I have seen usual cases of good-girl-gone-bad because of hanging out with the wrong crowd. Being young and 18 means you’re at an age of many exciting changes. You are starting to discover who you really are. People sometimes tend to bring out the best and worst in each other. So make sure to stay grounded with your morals. When your friend is starting to do more bad than good, it’s always best to cut the negative. 😉

Set goals and move mountains to achieve them
While I stayed away from late-night partying, I focused my attention on reaching my dreams as a model. Back in college, I did a lot of go-sees even during U-break (that’s University break for LaSallians). Luckily, I was able to land into some print and TV stint. I learned how to balance my studies and my extra extra-curriculars.

It’s okay to be single
When I was younger, I became too dependent with my then boyfriend–to the point that when he cheated on me, I decided to turn a blind eye. Looking back, I thought it was one of the most unfair things that I have done to myself. It was definitely an issue of self-worth. Remember, if you spend too long holding on to the one who treats you like an option, you’ll miss finding the one who treats you like a priority.

As cliché as it may be–3Bs: Books Before Boys!
Part of setting goals and knowing your priorities as an 18-year-old is, of course, to do well in school. Besides, you will only spend 4 years in the university, why not make the best out of it? It’s okay to have a boyfriend, but be sure to put your studies first. I wasn’t really an achiever back in high school but I pushed myself hard in college and made sure to graduate with honors. Every hard work pays off in the end. Plus, doing well in college would give you a good chance to land on your dream job!

I guess it’s a wrap! This post is not really about your external beauty but on how you should appreciate the beauty of life.
How about you? What are the things you have learned in the past 10 years? Share them in the comment!
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